Okay so I made a C++ program to solve the sum of two cubes, the answer is 1729:
- Spoiler:
// SumOfTwoCubes.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int n = 1;
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
int count = 0;
count = 0;
cout << n;
int sleep;
cin >> sleep;
return 0;
The Mapuche uprising was 1723. That means n = 1729-1723 = 6
n+1 = 7 is the number of letters in your last name
n+7=your age-2 means you are 15, likely in my grade.
(n+1)^2-30 = 19, your name starts with S. q=19
q-8 = 11, last name starts with K.
16*5 is not 90, it is 80 that is false.
( q-8 )^2+1633 = 1754, which did start on a Tuesday and since 2000 is a leap year and 2000-1754 is not divisible by 4, is true. p=1754
z=1765, by brute force searching the years in google for January 1 ("year January 1")
z-1747=18, last letter of your first name is r.
Last letter of your last name is a consonant might be false, who knows.
Last letter of your first name is a consonant. True unless the previous hint for that was false, in which case this is also false.
So far: name is S------R K-----
fffffff. PM'ed you.